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Nutritional Foods That You should Eat Every Day .

Thinking about improving your diet?  That can be quite a task! Grocery stores are flooded with so many healthy alternatives, picking the right food can be confusing. We have prepared list of nutritious foods to eat everyday. Hey there viewers and welcome back to another blog . Contrary to popular belief, a healthy diet doesn’t necessarily mean cutting out pizza, burgers or chips. It simply means adding nutritious foods to your meals.  Did you know that eating cucumbers promotes weight loss?  What about chia seeds for heart health? Today we’ll be talking about all the foods you should be eating as often as possible!  TOP 20 NUTRITIOUS FOODS : 1 : Avocado  Kickstarting our list is avocado which is a superfood in every sense. They’re one of those rare foods containing natural healthy fats, omega 3 fatty acids and proteins, among other essential vitamins and minerals. These green fruits are rich in dietary fiber that aids digestion. T...




There is a lot of interest in thinking about health care quality in high income countries. There's been a lot of work that's been done in the US and England. Most of us feel like we know less about the state of health care quality in low income countries or middle income countries. What is the state of health care quality in India? I think it's fair to say that the state of health quality in India is not good, and there are many, many ways you could look at that. First of all, the country's bifurcated in two. There's a better-performing south and a worse-performing north. And I think you see that in every held statistic that we have. The second part of it, which I think is less known, is that that bifurcation carries over to health care quality. And you can think about that in a couple of ways.

 The one way I like to think about health care quality is to just try and see what happens when you, as a patient, go to a doctor? And then say, how, as researchers, can we mimic that experience? How can I tell you a little bit about the average person who goes to a doctor and what happens to them? I think the simplest way to think about it is to say, pick a condition that's really, really salient. So, for instance, we've picked chest pain in a middle-aged man. Which usually, in a place like the US, 98% of the time will be diagnosed correctly. And in the case we picked, for instance, if the doctor had questioned appropriately, done the right exams, he or she would have diagnosed it as unstable angina or what's, in common parlance, called a heart attack.

 So we train people to depict these symptoms very, very carefully and send them to many, many doctors. And I think the simplest way you could think about poor health quality is you can ask, how many of these patients would receive the right treatment and nothing else? That answer is about 5%. So things got slightly better when you say, how many of these guys would have received the right treatment but would have also received something else? Maybe the doctor did the right thing, but he also did a bunch of things that were not totally correct. So that's about 40 to 45%. But you're still left with a majority of doctors not being able to pick up, diagnose, or treat a very textbook case of chest pain that, not appropriately diagnosed and treated, would lead into a heart attack. Just so I understand what you're describing, you take standardized patients, people who have been trained, and you send them off.


 And about 5% of the time, the physician gets it right and doesn't do anything else and a majority of the time, they don't even get it right at all. So what's going on? Where is the failure? Are they not asking the right questions? Are they not doing the right exam? What do we know about why people have a hard time arriving at the right diagnosis and treatment? The first failure could be that the doctor just doesn't know. I mean, the guy hasn't been trained, he doesn't have the medical knowledge, perhaps. And if he doesn't know that a chest pain could be a heart attack, maybe that's the biggest problem. And, in fact, if you read a lot of the literature on health care, a lot of it is about the "massive shortage" of health care workers or a staffing problem. And they don't have sufficiently trained doctors. The second part of it, which I think is less salient in the kind of health policy world, but hits us, as patients, every day is that the doctor may not put in enough effort.

So I don't know how many people have been to clinics in low income countries, but unlike, say, clinics in the US where you're cordoned off from the other patients, there's a door, you're alone with the doctor, the doctor listens to you. A typical clinic that we work in-- if you go in, there are five people sitting in the clinic. These could be patients, might be other people, might be friends, might be people from the community. The TV is blaring, the patient comes in, sits, the doctor's talking on his cell phone. He'll pick up every call. So it's an extremely distracted environment. There are various things going on, and you want to start worrying about, is the doctor putting in enough effort to look after you. The third issue is, sometimes-- and this has been a worry especially with India and other countries-- people think, well, maybe the doctor is getting paid to do something which they know is not right. One way to think about it in India is, maybe they're getting paid to ask you to get a bunch of tests done because they're getting kickbacks from the industry.



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