Thinking about improving your diet? That can be quite a task! Grocery stores are flooded with so many healthy alternatives, picking the right food can be confusing. We have prepared list of nutritious foods to eat everyday. Hey there viewers and welcome back to another blog . Contrary to popular belief, a healthy diet doesn’t necessarily mean cutting out pizza, burgers or chips. It simply means adding nutritious foods to your meals. Did you know that eating cucumbers promotes weight loss? What about chia seeds for heart health? Today we’ll be talking about all the foods you should be eating as often as possible! TOP 20 NUTRITIOUS FOODS : 1 : Avocado Kickstarting our list is avocado which is a superfood in every sense. They’re one of those rare foods containing natural healthy fats, omega 3 fatty acids and proteins, among other essential vitamins and minerals. These green fruits are rich in dietary fiber that aids digestion. T...
Hey guys, Its Saqlain Ansari , today i am going to tell you fiveamazing tips on how to learn faster I hope you guys enjoy every single one of us is either learning something new at the moment or is planning to do in the future who is playing an instrument learning a second language drawing or maybe learning how to code in the past he must depended on learning new thingsthey had to learn more effective ways to hunt and learn how to make better toolsso they can have a higher chance of survival we see that learning has alwaysbeen an integral part of our lives so it comes natural that we spend some timelearning how to learn here are five tips that you can use to lap your competitionand leave your friends wondering how you learn so fastnumber one deconstruct the skill and implement .
The 8020 principle it is aconcept developed by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto which explains that 80%of your desired outputs will come from only 20% of your inputs well the exactratio of varies from situation to situation you'll find that 20% of peoplein your life will lead to 80% of your happiness 20% of your customers willdrive 80 percent of your sales and 20 percent of your learning methods willlead to 80% of your results when it comes to learning it feels like there'sso much we don't know so it's easy to jump around everywhere this will onlylead to wasted time what you want to do instead is to focus on one or two thingsthat will drive the middle for what you want to achieve and devote most of yourtime practicing those things for example if you want to learn how to play theguitar instead of focusing on strumming patterns notes on the fretboardhammer-on pull-off techniques you should only focus on learning the basic chordsand transitions between them because that will give you 80% of the resultsand in 20% of the time you'll be able to play the songs you wanted number twohave a laser-like focus.
And use the Pomodoro Technique to learn quickly it'll be important to commit your full focus and attentionwhen you're researching and practicing your skill these days that's easier saidthan done thanks to our short attention spans and constantly buzzing devices tohelp you stay focused start using the Pomodoro Technique the PomodoroTechnique consists of shutting down all external distractions and fully focusingon the task for short period of time usually 20 to 25 minutes and then takinga short break of one to five minutes I've learned coding from scratch in fourmonths by using this principle my daily schedule was 12 Commodore sessions eachspending around 25 minutes of focus State and five minutes of rest and afterevery four sessions I would take a longer break the Pomodoro Techniqueproduces amazing results because our brain is more receptive to newinformation when we're focused when you look at it it's basically common sensemore focused in steeper connections number three learn by doing immersion isby far the best way to learn anything and as research shows it turns out thathumans retained 10% of what they learned from reading twenty percent of what Ilearned from audio-visual 50% of what alert when they see a demonstration upto 70 percent of what they learn when they practice what they learned and upto 90 percent of what they learn when they use it immediately try to rememberhow you learned to play soccer ride a bicycle or swim instead ofwatching tutorials or reading a textbook on how to do something.
The way to learnfaster is to get your hands dirty and gain experience through making mistakesnumber four be persistent unfortunately many of us give up before or during whatSeth Godin calls the dip Gordon says that although it's important to knowwhen to quit many potential winners don't reach success because they quitbefore the dip according to Gordon five reasons you might fail to follow throughare you run out of time and quit you run out of money and quit you get scared andquit you're not serious about it then quit or you lose interest and quitpsychologists have also studied what's known as the transition cycle when weexperience the opportunity to learn something new we enter what many peoplecall the honeymoon phase this is where we experience releases of dopamine isryx perience new things in other words we're hardwired to appreciate and seekout novelty because it makes us feel good .
Once the honeymoon phase is over we experience the dip and our progress begins to Plateau or diminish this is when most of us quit the reason why this is important is that if you can predict the dip is coming when you're learning something new it's easier to fight through it because you know deep exists and it only last sit's temporary number five get enough sleep sleep plays a big role in our ability to learn new information and skills when we are awake new situations and stimuli can prevent new memories from consolidating in our minds but when we are asleep we're better at creating new memories one study from a German research lab found that sleep helps our memory formation most if you know you will need the information later in fact some scientists believe the brain can actually change its own structure and organization this is a theory called the brain plasticity theory and it suggests those all-important structural and organizational changes in our brain take place when we are asleep without adequate sleep we have a hard time learning something new because our brain doesn't have the opportunity to review and absorb the new information when you get enough sleep while you're learning a new skill you'll be able to consolidate those memories faster and make fewer mistakes overall so to recap break down the skill and use the Pareto principle practice the 20% that will give you 80%of the results focus deeply when practicing the skill and use multiple Pomodoro sessions learn by immersing yourself and actually doing the skill you're learning watching or reading is not enough be persistent and follow through the deep where majority of people will quit and finally get adequate sleep to help your brain store all the information and prepare you for the day ahead .
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