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Nutritional Foods That You should Eat Every Day .

Thinking about improving your diet?  That can be quite a task! Grocery stores are flooded with so many healthy alternatives, picking the right food can be confusing. We have prepared list of nutritious foods to eat everyday. Hey there viewers and welcome back to another blog . Contrary to popular belief, a healthy diet doesn’t necessarily mean cutting out pizza, burgers or chips. It simply means adding nutritious foods to your meals.  Did you know that eating cucumbers promotes weight loss?  What about chia seeds for heart health? Today we’ll be talking about all the foods you should be eating as often as possible!  TOP 20 NUTRITIOUS FOODS : 1 : Avocado  Kickstarting our list is avocado which is a superfood in every sense. They’re one of those rare foods containing natural healthy fats, omega 3 fatty acids and proteins, among other essential vitamins and minerals. These green fruits are rich in dietary fiber that aids digestion. T...


EMERSON ROSENTHAL: New York City's full of shit-- real shit, 27 billion gallons of shit that get dumped into the Hudson River every year. And that's billions, with a b. Even though the city pipes in crystal-clear drinking water from a collection of reservoirs up north, the waters that New Yorker see and smell every day are a toxic nightmare. Oil spills, PCBs, rotting corpses, human feces, and 15 feet of something called "black mayonnaise" are just a few of the pristine features Mayor Bloomberg isn't bragging about. We're dipping our toes in and testing the waters for ourselves to see how the toxicity of the Hudson River has become the norm for America's urban waterways. Welcome to "Toxic." All right, I'm getting out. I'm going to take this sample,make my way out of here.  All right, so that was it. Hudson River swim. Fucking disgusting.  TRACY BROWN: New York City wouldn't be New York City if it wasn't for the Hudson River. The fact that it is on the river and surrounded by water is what defines the city and gives it its character. One of the lingering problems we still have to address is sewage pollution. -In the early development of New York City, wetlands were considered wastelands.

 And they were basically filled in with garbage to create solid land. TRACY BROWN: Where you have older cities, like New York City, and Albany, and Yonkers,where they used to build the wastewater infrastructure where the sewage and the storm water went through the same pipe. So when too much rain happened,it would overwhelm those pipes, and they didn't want all that rain and storm water to go to their sewage treatment plant and overwhelm the sewage treatment plant or back up into people's houses, so they just bypass it directly into their local waterway. And that's what happens in New York City when it rains. That's what happens in other cities around the country. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: The River Project has been systematically testing the bacterial content of the Hudson River for years now.

 So we took our sample to theirlab to evaluate it for bacterial content that signifies the presence of fecal matter in the river. -Hello. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: Hello. -This is Nina. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: Hi Nina, I'm Emerson. I'm here from Vice. I was swimming in it. -OK. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: I cut my footon some rocks on the way. Do you think that'sa bad thing? -Did you wash it out? EMERSON ROSENTHAL: Not yet. -You should probably go wash it out. -You should. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: OK,I'll take care of that as soon as possible. All right.  -And then you leave it toincubate for 24 hours at 41 degrees Celsius.  EMERSON ROSENTHAL: Commercialfishing on the Hudson was put to an end after the fish were deemed too toxic for consumption. So after I cut my foot, Istarted to worry that, I, too, like many of the poor, native fish species, might end up jawless, three-eyed,and sterile.  The Atlantic tom cod has the unique honor of being the first fish species to adaptto PCBs, the toxic factory coolants GE poured generouslyinto the Hudson in the '70s. Usually known to cause cancersand deformations in the fish, some tomcod have adaptedto thrive in a PCB-rich environment and have sinceevolved to survive in such a toxic world.

CHRIS CHAMBERS: My particulargroup studies the early life stages of marine fish. And we're particularlyinterested in how the environments and habitat affectsthe survival and fitness of those animals. This is a typical tomcodlarva hatching. The head and eyes aredark in hatching. Jaw is typically straight. Here's some not sonice baby fish. What you see here is a greatlyenlarged yolk sac. That's the edemaI referred to. The jaw is malformed. The head has a bitof a point to it. The eyes are not as dark. And the body tends be morecurved or not as straight. TRACY BROWN: There's suchlimited commercial fishing still allowed on theHudson based on the health of the fish. Commercial fishing, as a wayof life, on the Hudson was destroyed and taken away becauseof the pollution in the river and its effecton the fish stock. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: The 14wastewater treatment plants around the city process1.3 billion gallons of raw sewage a day. That's 15,000 gallonsper second. Before they were built, and formost of the 20th century, all that sewage was just loadedonto a boat and dumped 12 miles east of theJersey shore.

 Later, they decided todump further out-- 106 miles instead. In 1991, somebody thought itwas a good idea to load all the sludge onto a train and sendit 2,000 miles to Sierra Blanca, a little townin west Texas. New York State sent Texas250 tons of sludge a day for over 10 years. NEVIN COHEN: Combined seweroverflows were the last remaining uncontrolled form ofwater pollution in cities. There are a few thingsthat a city can do. It can build holding tanks. It can actually enlargethe sewer pipes. But those are really expensive,and the alternative to gray infrastructure for CSOsis green infrastructure. And that means building parks,and gardens, and bioswales, and other permeable surfaces inthe city to both absorb and slow down the flowof stormwater.  EMERSON ROSENTHAL: All right. So yesterday, after my deliciousdip in the Hudson River, we took a water sampleand came here to the River Project, let our sample incubatefor 24 hours, and now we're back to find out what wasreally in the water I was swimming in.  -If our MPN is below 30,then that is a green light from the EPA. So you can basicallydo whatever you'd like in the water. You can go swimming.

 If it is over 100 for the MPN,you should be careful, whether you're recreating in the waterBut you definitely don't want to get the water in yourface, in your eyes, or anything like that. 259 bacterial colonies. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: So not onlywas the water I was swimming in above the EPA limits-- which nobody had told me-- itwas about 2.5 times above federal standards.  -Yeah. -You definitely shouldn't beswimming in the water. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: Shouldn'thave done that? -No. I hope you didn't swallow any. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: Me too.  Tracy Brown and River Keepers'Sewage Right to Know Act mandates that the public arenotified immediately when sewage is dumped intothe Hudson. But it's almost too obvious thatpublic officials should warn the people when they'repaddle boarding in a bunch of shit. But while Governor Cuomo signedthe act in August, it's going to take at least untilMay 2013, for provisions to take effect. TRACY BROWN: This is the new,more dangerous pollutant. As people get back in the water,sewage gets in the water, there's less money fortesting, and there's very few requirements to tell the public that you aren't testing.

 I can tell you that New York City was not supportive of the Sewage Right to Know Law. They worked hard in the legislative process to water down the bill. And we hope that, now that it's passed, we'll implement it in the way that it's intendedto be implemented. I would say based on my experience that it does not seem that the Bloomberg administration is interested in letting people know about the sewage problem around New York City-- absolutely not, no. EMERSON ROSENTHAL: The Environmental Protection Agency has forced New York City to solve many of its water quality issues since the days of hauling our sewage by train to Texas. But our test sample found that even a mile or so upstream of Manhattan, the Hudson River contained 2.5 times the legal limit of feces. And this isn't only New York City's problem. Since 772 of America's cities were built with combined sewage systems, about 40 million people living near urban waterways will be up shit creek for years to come.  -Some days are just unforgettable-- the birth of a child, your first day at school,the day you fell in a giant sinkhole .

Thanks for Reading :


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